Thursday, October 8, 2009

Aristo "Not-So" Blind Item

You may get this one, but here it is...

Which world famous aristo needs to watch her finances? Her former in-laws have provided her no assistance at all (word is they can't stand her) and the press is having a field day with her misfortune. Once you become accustomed to a certain lifestyle, it's hard to give it up. And in her case, she's had to do more work than some to keep up appearances...


  1. Fergie.

    Poor Old Fergie, as hard as she may try at succeeding, she always ends up back where she has started.

  2. As much as she continues to embarrass herself, she never seems to learn from her foul-ups.

  3. There is no doubt that the situation that Pakistan's economy finds itself in is tough. What really bothers one though ... Business news


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